Convention History
Fursonacon 2024
DenFur 2024
AC 2024
FWA 2024
Fur the More 2024
Gale Kobold's local convention! First time with our latest 10ft booth design.

NFC 2024
A three day convention in Malmö, Sweden. Our EU setup was used at this con with 8ft of table space.

NYFB 2024
A one day local convention to bring in the new year! One of my new favorites to attend, NYFB was an absolute blast. A great con that I hope to see continue growing in the future.

MFF 2023
With over 15,000 attendees, this convention really tested our limits. Making use of the same 8 feet of table space we had at BLFC, we upped our game by introducing a few new products at this con. We're quickly outgrowing current table spaces and hoping we can move into 10ft booth spaces or wider tables going forward.

BLFC 2023
Our largest convention yet! While we had a very nice 8 foot table, we discovered that our diversity and number of unique wares has outgrown this table size. We'll be looking to build even larger displays in the future and we hope to return next year.

FursonaCon 2023
While we registered too late to apply for the Dealers Den, we were still able to make a showing in the Artist Alley. We managed to squeeze everything except our apparel into an extremely compact 3' x 3' x 2' table display.

EuroFurence 2023
8.5 x 4 foot table display. Our first EuroFurence with both Gale Kobold and Fleeks selling our wares together as Scaly Shop. This was our most successful convention of the year.

Harrisburg Comic & Pop Con 2023
10 Foot walk-in booth. Our first vendor experience at a small Comic Con. This setup was an expansion of our previous one used for Otakon. We also worked with Heartleaf Games to promote their Delvers Guide among our other wares at the convention.

Otakon 2023
10 Foot walk-in booth. Our first vendor experience at an Anime convetion with an attendance count of over 40,000 people. We worked with Heartleaf Games to promote their Delvers Guide among our other wares at the convention.

ConFuzzled 2023
Our first convention in the U.K. and the first time Gale Kobold and Fleeks were able to sell their wares in person together as Scaly Shop.

FurTheMore 2023
With only 48 hours of advance notice, this 10 foot booth setup was rapidly conceived and assembled by Gale Kobold for FurTheMore. It was our very first US convention with only shirts, prints, and stickers ready for sale at the time. This was also our first convention where we featured wares by additional artists Crowtaur and Thorn's Roost.
Even with the last minute preparation, the convention was a huge success which enabled us to purchase and stock far more inventory for future cons.

Nordic Fuzz Con 2023
Our very first convention selling wares as Scaly Shop! This humble 4 foot table setup was the beginning of Fleeks and Gale Kobold working together to bring our wares to conventions around the world. With prior experience, Fleeks built and ran this setup with a collection of older wares that she brought to the business.